You get to choose whether to remotely see and hear a small glimpse of what people in Gaza are suffering from. They do not get to choose whether or not to experience it firsthand.
Violence Blur
Shelling Volume
As of the 4th of November, and according to the UN, a total of 258 schools, or 51% of all schools in Gaza, have been destroyed or partially damaged by Israel’s military assault. This includes top universities in Gaza such as Al Azhar University, Islamic University of Gaza and Al-Quds Open University.
On the 11th of October, it was reported that the Islamic University of Gaza has been leveled by Israeli air strikes:
On the 6th of November, the Middle East Monitor reported that Israeli air strikes have targeted Gaza’s Al-Azhar University:
Al-Quds Open University reported on the 19th of November 2023 that Israel has bombed and destroyed the university building in Gaza and used it as a military barracks.
On the 10th of December 2023, the Middle East Monitor that the medical facility of the Islamic university in Gaza has been destroyed:
Many scholars have been murdered as a result of Israel’s bombardment. Professor Sufian Tayeh was the president of the Islamic University in Gaza and was classified in the top 2% of the best researchers in the world in 2021. He was killed along with his family as a result of air strikes on the Jabalia Refugee Camp on the 2nd of December. On December 7, another prominent professor and writer, Dr. Alareer was killed by a strike in Shajaiya, in northern Gaza. The following is an image of Dr. Alareer:
The big picture indicates that this is an objective of Israel:
In many instances, Israel has bombed UNRWA schools.
On the 8th of December, Quds News reported that Israel has targeted a UNRWA school in Jabalia, north of Gaza, using smoke and white phosphorus bombs:
On the 9th of December 2023, Israeli forces expelled 3,000 displaced Palestinians in Gaza from the Khalifa school in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza, where they were sheltering. Then they set it on fire according to this report:
The following depicts the destruction of the Falluja UNRWA's School as reported on the 12th of December:
These all are supposed to be severe violations of the international humanitarian law.